When can we travel abroad again?
The poet William Langland said, ‘patience is a virtue’, however as it was the year 1360, he was probably referring to waiting for a written letter by mail and not over a year of modern life being turned upside down. As we continue to wait for the situation to lessen, the pandemic has made us rethink how and why we travel, especially those who so eagerly hauled our passports across the globe in the past.
Countries with access to healthcare and fast-acting vaccination programs are seeing glimpses of a near-future where their societies can reopen, but there are still limits on where you can stay, with who, and for how long. It is true that open borders, open destinations, and visa-free travel certainly won’t resume for many months to come, and those considering should check local government restrictions, rules, and safety measures, along with personal health conditions, into consideration before embarking. Yet the short and hopeful answer is soon, dear traveller, soon.