Lightness. Elevated.

The New Air Series

With the Air series, we continue pushing the boundaries of travel. Each detail was designed and engineered with rigorous determination to combine an ultra-light and durable product. With Air, we set the bar higher. Because progress only happens when we keep going further. That’s how the Air series is ultra-light, without compromising on performance — and comes with a lifetime warranty.

German Engineering
Our team of engineers and designers carefully builds and tests our innovative and sustainable products with the greatest attention to quality standards.
100 días de prueba sin riesgo
Si no estás 100% enamorado después de 100 días de viaje, devuelve tu equipaje, sin hacer preguntas.
Activate your warranty and travel with peace of mind on every journey to come.

Continuing to push boundaries

After launching our Smart series – the world’s first luggage with a removable charging function, Horizn ID – the world’s first design configurator for luggage, and the RE series – the world’s most sustainable premium luggage, we are proud to announce yet another innovation: the launch of the revolutionary Air series.