"When people say they miss a place, it has mostly to do with what you hear and what you smell, not really what you see."
"When we go about our lives, we hear, but we don’t necessarily pay attention. Our brain is focused on what could be a danger, like a car approaching, but there is a lot more out there that we don’t pay attention to."
"Music helps you get into places; it helps set your mood, your tone, your pace."

"When you step inside a danfo, your business is everyone’s business. On any given day there could be hawkers trying to sell you something, conversations on football, conversations about politics, arguments about the bus driver’s choice of music or route."
Because the danfo can go anywhere, it is everywhere. It is small, portable, resilient, iconic, tough – just like Horizn luggage – and so was the natural inspiration for Ogboh when he collaborated with Horizn Studios, and Horizn’s friends at Beats by Dre, for a limited edition luggage series and one-off set of headphones. The Danfo’s iconic yellow with black stripes has inspired many of Ogboh’s works, and for Horizn he flipped the script, with two danfo-yellow stripes on an all black Horizn cabin case.
“Travel and see” is a popular Nigerian saying, meaning that travel will change how you view yourself and others. Both Emeka Ogboh and Horizn Studios see travel as the best education a person can get, one that you won’t get from school, or from a book. “Travel changes your reality and your perceptions of life and other human beings”.